Balnhdhurr – A Lasting Impression

‘Balnhdhurr – A Lasting Impression’ celebrates twenty years of onsite print production at Yirrkala Print Space in the Baku-Larrnggay Mulka Centre in Northeast Arnhem Land. This exhibition showcases the Yolngu respect for clan and country, with many prints relating to the creation stories and Law as passed on by ancestors, highlighting the importance of kinship and family.

The exhibition takes the viewer on a visual journey, creating a platform for meaningful dialogue between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, a coming together of cultures and time, where audiences have the chance to learn of the Yolngu’s strong tradition in artwork and how their skills, talent and creativity have translated to printmaking.

Nyapanyapa Yunupingu, Hunting Dhawu

Charles Darwin University Art Gallery
12 May to 15 July, 2016
Northern Territory

Nyapanyapa Yunupingu, Hunting Dhawu, 2001, photographic screenprint, 47 x 39cm
Courtesy the artist and Charles Darwin University Art Gallery, Northern Territory

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