Deb Mostert: Vogels En Dingen (Birds and Things)

The title of the exhibition is the Dutch translation of what the exhibition discusses, at its most basic: ‘Birds and Things’. The playful placements of birds and their collections carries the threads of artistic investigation. Bower birds aside, the absurdity of a bird burdening itself with collections of inanimate objects ask the question of us all, why do we keep these things?

The exhibition however, moves slightly sideways and hints at deeper issues with the inclusion of several works depicting migratory birds and what they may choose to encumber themselves with. Being of Dutch migrant heritage, the artist questions: “What did people bring with them that were of such value they couldn’t bear to part with? Objects imbued with connections of homeland and cultures are of deep interest to me”.

Lorraine Pilgrim Gallery
Until 27 July, 2015

We’re not sure how we feel about taking them, Pied Oystercatcher Shells, 2015, watercolour, 46 x 61cm
Courtesy the artist and Lorraine Pilgrim Gallery

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